Interactive Video“Linked” In on Steroids!

It’s an interactive world, and we’re just living in it!

Video for the digital age means much more than just shooting, lighting, scripting, transcribing, and producing consistent, high-quality video content. It’s now more powerful than ever before thanks to technology that’s giving viewers the ability to interact with every video they consume.

How do you interact with a video, you ask? Good question. Simple Answer.

LINKS. LINKS. And yes, more LINKS!

Here’s how links that are embedded into a video can help drive conversions for organizations looking to improve their video marketing efforts.

It all starts with a menu page at the beginning of a video.

Let’s say you have an “about us” type video that runs 2 or 3 minutes in length. That video no doubt puts your best assets forward, your culture, your products, your services, etc…

When the viewer clicks the “play button,” the first thing that appears is a menu page, that features chapters of the contents of the video.

This gives the viewer instant access to any part of the video they want to watch with a simple click of a button.

So, if the viewer wants more information about your company’s “products” or “services” they can simply click that link on the menu page and the video will start right there!

Talk about cutting to the chase! This is a critical feature for those who may not have time to consume your entire video at that moment, and just watch the part they want to see instantly.

For those who do want to watch the entire video, this menu gives them the option to quickly and seamlessly go back to a particular part of the video they want to see again, without having to scroll through the video and find the part the viewer is looking for.

Not only do we provide links on the menu page at the front of the video, we allow the viewer to click on a link at the end of the video and go directly to the website of your choice, whether that’s the home page, products page, services page, or wherever you want the viewer to go.

This helps the viewer learn more about your business without having to close out the video and start searching for a way to contact you.

As you can see, interactive video gives you more bang for your video buck than ever before. Instead of viewers watching your video, then searching for your web page, trying to find out information about your services, solutions, partnerships, or about your executive team, the work has already been done for them! All they have to do is click where they want to go, and boom, they’re there.

The bottom line is this. Now that interactive video is becoming more mainstream and affordable, more and more viewers will start to “expect” this type of interactivity. That’s why providing this functionality to any video you have done, or will do in the future, should be a large part of your video strategy in 2019.

Interactive Video Benefits

-Menu page for convenience

-More ability to drive eyeballs to your webpage

-Easy access to products, services, about us pages, and more within your video

-Eliminates “searching” after watching a video

-Shows viewers “other” options for upselling opportunities

-Studies show interactive content generates 2X more conversions than passive content (Kapost)

-88 percent of marketers say interactive content differentiates them from their competitors (Business2Community)

-Convenience. Convenience. Convenience.

The benefits you see highlighted above only scratch the surface for what interactive video can do for your organization. There are other features to interactive video, like pop-up quizzes, the ability to show a link in the middle of a video, click on it, and the video stops so you can review an FAQ page about a product or service, and much more.

Click on this link below to see how we leveraged this basic interactive video option of chaptering and logo clicking for one of our clients.

Are you ready to get “Linked” In?

Contact for more information!